Updating Ubuntu to Newest Wacom

Most users of linux need not be concerned with updating Wacom. But there are many out there that should be. Namely, those that are using tablets or have a tablet PC. Wacom is probably the number one driver manager for tablet hardware in linux. Unfortunately, it’s a driver that too often gets fuddled with and not upgraded.

You can check your current version by running this command in a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal)

dpkg -p wacom-tools  | grep Version

You should get an output of something like this

Version 1:08.1.4-0ubuntu3

If that has 08.2 instead of 08.1.##, then you can disregard updating (Understand that this post is from Dec 08, a new version can be found here when they come out).

To solve this, you should always keep your wacom updated to the newest version. As with this post, the newest version is 0.8.2 (The Linux Wacom Project). Intrepid Ibex, the current release of Ubuntu, ships with .8.1-4. .8.2 adds some new features, like better touch support. Users with an X61T like me would LOVE to have this back after frying Vista.

First thing you should do it download the newest version here - 0.8.2

**This is a pre-built binary. If this doesn’t work for you, you should read below.

Download the file to your Desktop and unpack it using the archive manager. You can delete these files when your finished.

Run these commands

cd Desktop/linuxwacom-0.8.1-6/prebuilt

sudo ./uninstall

sudo ./install

The last step is to press ‘ctrl + alt + backspace’ to restart your X11. This will log you out of X11, so make sure to save anything you have open.

For those users that are unable to follow these steps because of errors. You may need to compile the drivers on your own. You can find out the information on how to do that here.
