I'm an experienced web developer, software engineer, and leader. Welcome to my blog. If you need to reach out you can continue the conversation with a tweet to @geedew. I hope you find what you are looking for here. You can also find me on Github and StackOverflow.

The importance of processes

What’s the first step taken to any project, whether at home or at work? Is it an idea? A problem that requires a solution? A request from an associate? How is it that this project takes the next step and eventually comes to a conclusion? What is the next step?

Something comes next, or nothing gets done

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Quick tip with Typescript, Use moduleResolution


One of the first items to not miss or be confused about when starting a typescript project is to set up the tsconfig.json to contain how to resolve the paths for inclusion in the app being built.

In my case, being reminded to use the node resolution strategy for importing from the node_modules folder was a requirement.

"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2017",
"module": "es2015",
"sourceMap": true,
"moduleResolution": "node"

Also see some further examples here.

Using AutoHotkey with Surface Pen


This is a scripting language designed for Windows to automate some usage. A lot can be accomplished by re-mapping the inputs.
While Windows 10 does allow apps to be loaded by the surface pen, however, these can be messed up and are very limited. What if the pen’s single click was “Copy” and the double-click was “Paste”? Something like this is easily achieved with AutoHotkey.

; remap surface pen button to copy to clip-board

Simple mappings can be achieved with short-syntax, however the surface pen tends to have some problems with this when turing off the hotkeys. More success can be had by using the full syntax and applying the down and off state.

#F20::Run Onenote ; Single click, Open OneNote
#F19::Send, {Shift down}{LWin down}s{Shift up}{LWin up} ; Double click, Take a screenshot into onenote (hotkey created by onenote)
#F18::Send, {Control down}{Shift down}{Alt down}x{Control up}{Shift up}{Alt up} ; Hold button to trigger snippet tool (hotkey created within Windows)

This is the beginning of using AutoHotkey. It’s been around for many years and has thousands of options that can be scripted including mouse moving and deep Windows interactions. Check out https://github.com/dantheuber/WinTop-AutoHotKey for one of my favorite ways to keep a window on top with a transparency.

Towards a single source of truth

I’ve come to realize that with complexity comes a large hit to the velocity at which one can develop software. Minimizing complexities when it comes to documentation and code discovery happens to be, in my experience, critical to a team being successful when programming anything with significant lines of code.

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Predictions for 2017

2016 is now over and the new year has begun. It’s a great time to reflect on the past and also make predictions for the future. Technology, world events and software engineering tend to affect me the most these days. Why not take a fun guess at what 2017 has in store.

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