Announcing jSuite!

Ok, so over the past few months I have been working on a nice little package that I am calling jSuite. jSuite is a JavaScript library that utilizes much of the the jQuery UI platform. But it takes it one step further. It is also using some YUI CSS files for resetting, fonts, etc. Not just that it drops in the 960.css grid for the overall layout of the page. And to make matters better, it has a PNG fix built in for IE 6. And if you think that is just too much… it also has a built in debugger that uses firebug. But wait, it has a standalone firebug installation that allows it to work on IE6 and IE7! So you can use the debugger like you would in firebug to see the console, but in IE. There is much to do with it, but it’s pretty stable. I don’t have all of my notes ready for the site and documentation, but for early grabs check here…

The code is all up and should be working… there is a test.html that I am turning into a full working demo. Much work is still in the works with it, and I have to upgrade to jQuery 1.3 now!